Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Terrific Tool Tuesday: Spatulas!

When most people hear the word spatula, they envision the tool they use to flip pancakes or eggs.  But a cake decorator sees something different, and not just one type either.

Spatulas come in all different shapes, sizes, and styles.  You can get a short, medium, or long one; one with a plastic handle or a wooden one; offset or straight; or even one with a tapered end.  We believe that it is best to have several because you never know which one will work best for the task at hand.  Wilton and Ateco are two trusted brands that made quality spatulas with stainless steel blades.

The spatula serves many purposes, from frosting cakes to spreading or mixing toppings.  The blade should be slightly flexible, which aids in spreading and making soft toppings smooth in appearance. The spatula is used as a decorating tool but can also be used to serve slices of cake, pieces of pie or bars. We even slide ours under a cake to lift it slightly so we can slip our hands beneath to move it!

Baking spatulas are available with various length blades ranging from 4 to 14 inches. Here are samples of just four different types that are out there.  If you are in the market for one, we suggest getting yours from a site like Cook's Dream or Wilton or even at your local craft store like Michael's or AC Moore.

Plastic handle, 4 1/2" x 3/4"

Wooden handle, 4 1/2" x 3/4"

Wooden handle, tapered tip, 5" x 3/4"

Happy baking!
Christina & Meghan

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